Love- ain’t this
word has made you smile, cry, shout and whisper at night. Love is the most indispensable part of today’s youth’s life—Toppers
please excuse us. Love has surely
made you do something you never even thought of. It may have made you go the
rounds of military cantonment for even worst it has made you attend boring
lectures. In my case it has made me do many crazy little things. It has made me
fight people and best thing—it has made a clear impression of how good I am as
a person.
Love is the
reason behind all the great things that happened on this planet—because to do
great work you need to do what you love—and
Lack of Love is the reason behind
all bad things that took place on this planet—America bombed Japan out of extreme
Love—not actually you may argue; but
you will have to agree, Love is the
anecdote for everything bad thing that happened.
Love is the most conspicuous
thing on this planet, you can see a small kid holding her father’s finger while
crossing the street—security a form of Love—you
see people carrying their old parents to hospitals—responsibility the third
state of love first being the Please
and second being the Thank You—Love is
all that has made us what we are today.
Valentine’s Day
is one such day when people Love to
celebrate Love. Loving to celebrate Love with your lovable ones is a lovely thing. Affection inspires
goodness and goodness inspires Humanity. Be lovable and spread Humanity because
at the end our purpose on earth is to Spread Humanity.
Valentine’s day
has its own place among the different age groups. School going students plan to
propose the beautiful soul from the other sex while university students get
engaged in act of producing other soul of any sex…;)
Valentine’s truly
is the most beautiful day in the calendar. The whole atmosphere is red with
roses and pink with blushes. You can see every vendor selling Cards, Chocolates
and Condoms—because if Love can
inspire Humanity then it will definitely inspire sensuality.
People generally bump into me during these weeks for
suggestion quoting ‘Hey buddy what should I do to make her feel special?’ and I
end up saying ask her to meet me..;)
Jokes apart the reasoning I am writing this blog is to help all those pals and Scooby-doo friends out there-
Jokes apart the reasoning I am writing this blog is to help all those pals and Scooby-doo friends out there-
Bring them something they will never expect from
you but make sure you do not try to surprise by sending it via some courier
service because in this case you will be the last one on her guess.
Take her to place where she can know you as a
person because the speed of life will give you smooches and sex but it will
never give you satisfaction and strength. Only a person who knows you will tell
you to Keep Calm in your bad days.
Make Love
to her—if you can—but make sure you do not make her a mommy.
Take them for a ride back to the timeline and
experience the romance getting fresh.
Do all that you can do with your small little pocket-money. Take
her to bar, café, movie or to a locked
room but after getting spent—physically and financially—do tell her how much
you love her and how much respect
you have for her.
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