Thursday, 5 July 2012

About Her...17th Post...:)

Talking about Her is no less than an Orgasm for Me…;) She satisfies Me in all way (Am I Sounding Like A Girl…? Huh…Whatever…:P)
A perfect body with the hip lines ending with a perfect curve complimented and accompanied by the pair of cutest Breast at front…
Her Eyes:- Deep dark, Meaningful, Seducing and a pair to Die for. She can manipulate you with her convincing eyes…
Lips:- Thin and dark. Not so Pinkish but Specific enough to Thrust the Thirst away.(Ocean Of Pleasure…) With the passion she kisses, the heat evolved, the saliva exchanged says “She Is Perfect And Commendable In A Sexier Way…J
The way she Giggles is tantamountly beautiful to the Pitter-Patter of Soft Rain…She Exclaim things like a Verdict but with Perfect end (Softness and Chirpiness in Voice…)
Her dedicated Face emits Serenity…Serene you will love to dive deep in and never come out…;)
Her every Gesture is Sexy; The way she opens a bottle is enough to give a Twitch in your Pants…:p
In White Top she looks Angelic; In Black Desirable; While in Colours she can give a run to Rainbow for its Kaleidoscopic Personality…
When it comes to Innocence “She Is Cuter Than The Cutest…;)”
The way she makes you assure of the things (with a firm Voice…) will make you fall for her…
She do Wears an Attitude (The Best According To Me…) but if its about Humanity She can Donate her Every Apparel (Not To Be Taken As “She Will Go Topless If India Wins…:P”
Her Voice drills through Hearts and it doesn’t even Hurts…;)
I Paint my Views through Photography and She loves to be painted on Silver Nitrate Screen ( i.e Photographed…;)
Generally; I keep Announcing “I Am Writer By Heart” and She is my Heart…
“Touch Me Not”:- Yup!! In spite of all Alcohol and Sex Stuff; She Talks Sense and Shrinks within herself if Someone Touches her…L
She is multitasking:- she Annoys me, She Hits Me, Abuses Me, Seduce Me, Make Me go crazy(By Teasing), Makes Me Shrill; But She Loves Me…:D :D :D :D :D

And I Love Her Too Because “She Does To Me Things I Never Imagined…”)…:D :D :D 


  1. kya baat hai shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 33000VLTS

  2. Realy impresive nd nyc desciptn...
    M dyng to meet/see her..!! :)

  3. Kela, go crazy !!!
    GOOD JOB...even I can imagine her beauty & can out line her curves... B)

  4. ise padh ke apne jawani ke din yadd aa gaye............ hahah :P ;) .......

  5. amigo!!!..dis is so sexiest post...gr8 imagination supernatural description..jst love it <3

    dream girl, dream girl, dream girl..........
    kisee shayar kee ghajal dream girl
    kisee jhil kaa kanval dream girl
    kabhee toh milegee, kahee toh milegee
    aaj nahee toh kal dream girl.......

    1. hahaha...miolegi jarror milegi...Loved ur comment..

  6. mast re!!!!!!a got twitch in my pants while reading this.....wish i can get 1 like this....which can be like my best suit for giving warmth in the cold...!!!

  7. damn .. sexO..
    but who is the humane figure ??

  8. Loving the descriptions; very detailed and organized. The comparisons are great. Puts every bit of her into a picture. Great job.

    1. That's All bcoz I Love Her...;) :D


    2. Although I am somewhat worried that you only talked about her physical chracteristics and what they mean to you. When I read this, I looked at it as a descriptive writing and nothing more than that. Now that I am picturing her, tell us how she thinks. Tell us her imperfections that makes her Perfect for YOU.

    3. thnq...
      Well i ll say..Be connected...
      more to come..:D :D

    4. Alright. Haha adding the cliff-hanger.

    5. Yup...ll love to see ur comments everyday...:D

  9. nyc one.....:)

  10. Replies
    1. :) thnq ma'am keep reading more coming..:)

  11. how can saliva xchange be commendable...euuu....yuccks........ :P :P

    1. Well, Soch Soch ka fark h..
      bt believe me she is really Awesome..;)

  12. Writing is doubt..
    But the more than that...:):)

  13. ha ha!! :D she is multitasking :D ??!!

    1. Indeed She IS..
      She seduces me, comforts me n loves me at the same time...;)
