Friday, 14 February 2014


It’s less about what-people-will-say and more about what-you-want-to-do thing which drives the passion inside you to sail out of safe harbor and create waves in the vast sea of opportunities.
Same is the case with Sneha Gupta—the first working lady from Lalganj—as quoted by Times of India. Provided with the indispensable education she has developed wings and lately she has been found making waves in the field of Literature. In India she is basically known for her two national bestseller novels but foreign readers know her because of the name associated to her-Branwyn.
Branwyn is an outcome of collaboration of few intellectual minds from literary field. With the not-so-good-experience in the publishing industry during the initial days of publishing a book Sneha Gupta went on a mission to bridge the gap between Authors, Readers and Publishing houses.
A gap which was profound enough to make a published Author anonymous in a crowd. A dividing line drawn by the obnoxious publishing houses. Sneha Gupta now acclaims of bringing a change in the way authors are now being perceived. This monthly e-magazine which has been read by more than 10,00,000 times is now an integral part of every reader who wants to peep into the life of their favorite authors.
Readers are found coaxing the editor for more and more. They are
the ones who have made Branwyn what it is today. The huge success and infectious growth in readership indicates ‘how desperately people out there were waiting for a revolution’ Branwyn has surely made a huge difference. Being the first of its kind from India is too an achievement for Branwyn.
From today we are starting with a series of blog-posts on this literary extravaganza; where readers will get to read about the various segments of the magazine. We will be updating readers about the latest contests organized by this Magazine. We will be serving our readers with a sneek peak into the making of this magazine. One by One we will introduce every segment and the faces behind those segments.
P.S- Keep checking this space for more and more about Branwyn and contests.

you can read the January edition of the magazine here-

Thank You.