Friday, 8 June 2018

Why you should self-publish your next book in India?

A writer. Dreamt of being an author. Time to read this.
You have a story in your imaginative intellect, a story that defines your attitude, that mostly narrates your lifestyle, a story where you reside in a character that should flow in a piece of the crowd but how. Let’s take a clock full of time to discuss that you can even self-publish your next book. Self-publish and publish; two words with a pencil-thin floaty contrast with each other. Since the traditional publishing progresses with the turtle’s pace and is never going to be a piece of cake for the fresher as well as for the unsteady writers. So, turning the aim towards the option of self-publishing is never a pointless choice.

You think you have a story to tell. It's time that passed writing and waiting to get acknowledged. Now, switch your lips to ‘no excuse’ mode and just take your manuscript in light to achieve the worthy praises.
A more dreadful reason that comes along with the idea of self-publishing is the rejection letters. Many raw writers (like me) take rejection sharply and lives a stint of depression when got excluded out of the performance. Maybe the publisher misses the healthy plot of the story but your conscience believes the same as a crowd-pulling investment.  So, why to wait for the approval of someone else; stand and not get published on your own, the words you have plotted.
Only emotional side never turns a passion into a successful profession. Think a bit wisely, and economically. Work on your math and numeral calculations, approximate the budget and get a way to approaching self- publish. Self-publishing is a fluid business as well. A few years ago, Amazon was only offering 35% royalties on e-books. Now, it's at 70% for books priced $2.99 and higher.
By having a self-published title, included in your personal achievements can create a variant impression to the eventual employees when they see a section of “publications”. Apart from this, in case if you succeed hugely with your writing and marketing strategies, you would be able to count numerous dollars in no time being wasted.
Self-publishing is now on the verge of popularity as writers expect, getting published is the first step towards being professional from passionate. No longer you need to write a manuscript and put in the drawers for the beetles to feed on them. Get out with your ideas and if the majesty readers find it worthy, they would definitely never miss a chance to read your numerous time.
For every author, being the bestseller is the completion of battle and there comes the self-publishing ideas with the perfect price point and the marketing strategies.

So, authors lift your pen up, portray the fluency of your words with the sheet in the background and craft the magic of your heart because Ray Bradbury once said, ”First find out what your hero wants, then just follow him!” Be the hero of your story and follow what takes you towards writing.